Thread Connection high performance valve – Double offset

ARI-ZEDOX 123 Thread Connection high performance valve - Double offset
eClass-No.: 37010301
Application: Oil and gas processing, refineries, petrochemicals, chemicals, power plants, district heating, solar thermal power stations, pulp and paper, steelworks, sugar processing, industrial and plant manufacturing, Shipbuilding, specific applications in HVAC
Medium: Refrigerant, cooling water, warm water, hot water, thermal oil, steam, gas, alkalis, acids, de-ionised water, pure steam, etc.

• Short pattern and middle pattern (K1, K2)
• Cast steel / stainless steel body
• Double offset construction: Rotary movement (90°) without wear or friction
• Metallic or PTFE+C sealing
• Bi-directional tightness up to differential pressure 25 bar
• Replaceable seat ring
• Firesafe acc. to ISO 10497/ BS6755


Figu re Nomi n al pressure Mat e ri a l Nomi n al diam e t e r Seali n g    elem en t s
31.123 1) PN  10 1.0619 + Q T DN  80-700 PTFE+ C    (TS)
DN  80-800 Stainles s    steel   (CS)
32.123 1) PN  16 1.0619 + Q T DN  80-700 PTFE+ C    (TS)
DN  80-800 Stainles s    steel   (CS)
34.123 PN  25 1.0619 + Q T DN  80-700 PTFE+ C    (TS)
DN  80-800 Stainles s    steel   (CS)
35.123 PN  40 1.0619 + Q T DN  80-200 Edelsta hl    (CS)
51.123 1) PN  10 1.4408 DN  80-700 PTFE+ C    (TS)
DN  80-800 Stainles s    steel   (CS)
52.123 1) PN  16 1.4408 DN  80-700 PTFE+ C    (TS)
DN  80-800 Stainles s    steel   (CS)
54.123 PN  25 1.4408 DN  80-700 PTFE+ C    (TS)
DN  80-800 Stainles s    steel   (CS)
55.123            PN  40            1.4408            DN 80-200        Stainles s    steel   (CS)
Face- to – fa c e   dimensi o n    acc.   to ISO 5752 / DIN EN 558-1

Series   20  DIN320 2    K1  (short   pattern ) Series   25  DIN320 2   K2  (middle    pattern )

Seali n g    elem e n t:
• PTFE+ C   (TS)  2) -40°C    bis  180°C
• Stainles s   steel   (CS) -40°C    bis  260°C
2) Observ e operating limits with sealing PTFE+C, refer to page 4
Max.    differe n t i al    press u r e :
34.123 •   16   bar   –   standard

• 25  bar  – option

35.123 • 40  bar  – standa r d
Options       on     request
Part s
Pos. Sp.p Desc ri p ti o n Fig.   34. 123    / 35. 12 3 Fig.      54.123     /     55.123
1 Body 1.0619 + Q T 1.4408
2 Disc 1.4408      (optional      1.4460)
3 Pivot 1.4021 + Q T 1.4542
4 Bottom    cover 1.4404
5 Stem 1.4021 + Q T 1.4542
6 Pin A4-70
7 Bushing P1 Inconel    625
8 Retaining   ring 1.4122 + Q T
9 / 24 x Shim   3) 978-C / SIGRAFLEX HIGH PRESSURE (SIGRAFLEX HIGH PRESSURE for steam version)
10 x Seat ring CS:  1.4404    (option al:    1.4539)

TS:  PTFE+ C ;    special    material    on  reque st

11 Counte r    flange 1.0425 1.4404
12 Socket screw A4-70
14 Back- up – ri ng 1.4404
15 x Box   packin g Graphit e
16 Shaft   seal    bushing 1.4404
17  / 18 x O-ring EPDM    / FPM   (Not   fitted   in steam    version )
19 Gland 1.4301    (DN   80-125 ) ;   1.4408    (DN   150-800 )
21 Key A4
22 Axial-w a s h e r P1 Inconel    625
23 x Bottom    cover    gaske t 978-C / SIGRAFLEX HIGH PRESSURE (SIGRAFLEX HIGH PRESSURE for steam version)
26 Socket screw A4-70
30 Mounting    brack et 1.0576      (galvanized)
31 Socket screw A4-70
32 Hexag o n    nut A4-70
33 Retainin g    washe r s    pair A4
34 Stud A4-70
35 Hexag o n    nut A4-70
└  Spare   parts
DN 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800
Face to – f ac e    dimen s i o n    acc.   to  ISO   5752   / DIN   EN  558 1
L Series 20 (short pattern) (mm) 46 52 56 56 60 68 78 78 102 114 127 154 165 190
L Series 25 (middle pattern) (mm) 49 56 64 70 71 76 83 92
Dimen s i o n s
Ød (mm) 15 20 20 25 25 30 35 40 50 50 60 70 70 90
E (mm) 118 135 154 170 202 231 273 305 333 358 394 460 510 570
H (mm) 215 240 251 275 320 365 404 431 476 504 574 676 798 846
l (mm) 45 52 52 58 58 63 67 75 86 83 103 119 119 125
Driv e flange ISO 5211 F07 F07 F07 F10 F12 F12 F14 F14 F16 F16 F16 F25 F30 F30
Stan d a rd f l an g e    dim en si o n s   / Threads (Dimensions, Quantity, Screw depth) per side
PN  10 Flange hole ØK (mm) 160 180 210 240 295 350 400 460 515 565 620 725 840 950
Total number of threads (M) (n) 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 16 20 20 20 24 24
Thread s (mm) M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 M24 M27 M27 M30
Screw Numbe r   1) (n) 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 20 20
Thread   depth   disc  side   1) (mm) 23 26 29 27 27 34,5 34 35 50 59 62,8 40 40 45
Thread   depth   shaft   side  1) (mm) 20 23 24 26 30 30 40 40 48 50 60 40 40 45
Numbe r   2) (n) 4 4 4 4 4
Thread   depth   disc  side   2) (mm) 24 24 27 27 35
Thread   depth   shaft   side  2) (mm) 24 24 27 27 35
PN  16 Flange hole ØK (mm) 160 180 210 240 295 355 410 470 525 585 650 770 840 950
Total number of threads (M) (n) 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 20 24 24
Threads (mm) M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 M24 M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 M33 M36
Screw Numbe r   1) (n) 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 20 20
Thread   depth   disc  side   1) (mm) 23 26 29 27 27 34,5 34 35 40 40 45 50 50 54
Thread   depth   shaft   side  1) (mm) 20 23 24 26 30 30 40 40 40 40 45 50 50 54
Numbe r   2) (n) 4 4 4 4 4
Thread   depth   disc   side   2) (mm) 27 30 33 33 35
Thread depth shaft side2) (mm) 27 30 33 33 35
PN  25 Flange hole ØK (mm) 160 190 220 250 310 370 430 490 550 600 660 770 875 990
Total number of threads (M) (n) 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 16 16 20 20 20 24 24
Thread s (mm) M16 M20 M24 M24 M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 M33 M33 M36 M39 M45
Screw Number 1) (mm) 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20
Thread   depth   disc  side   1) (mm) 23 26 29 27 27 34,5 34 35 50 50 50 54 58 67
Thread   depth   shaft   side.  1) (mm) 20 23 24 26 30 30 40 40 48 50 50 54 58 67
Numbe r   2) (n) 4 4 4 4 4
Thread   depth   disc  side   2) (mm) 33 33 30 40 35
Thread   depth   shaft   side  2) (mm) 33 33 30 40 35
PN  40 Flange hole ØK (mm) 160 190 220 250 320
Total number of threads (M) (n) 8 8 8 8 12
Thread s (mm) M16 M20 M24 M24 M27
Screw Number 1) (n) 8 8 8 8 12
Thread   depth   disc   side.   1) (mm) 23 26 29 27 27
Thread   depth   shaft   side   1) (mm) 20 23 24 26 30
Numbe r   2) (n)
Thread   depth   disc  side   2) (mm)
Thread   depth   shaft   side  2) (mm)
1) Tapped through hole (see picture below)      2)  Tapped blind hole (see picture below)

Caution:   Thread  sizes  ≥  M27  are  not  tapped  all  the  way through

Thread    pitch   acc.   to  DIN   13-1

Thread    depth   is measu r e d    from   flange   face

Compliant w ith DIN EN 593 by ensuring effective thread depth of 1x D or 0,67xD

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