HV3 Stop Valve

HV3 Stop Valve

A bronze bodied globe valve for steam, water, oil or air applications.
To BS 5154 Series A.

HV3 Stop Valve

½”, ¾”, 1″, 1¼”, 1½” and 2″ screwed BSPP (parallel).

Size ½” ¾” 1″ 1¼” 1½” 2″
Kv 1.3 1.6 4.2 13.8 19.7 28

For conversion:
Cv (UK) = Kv x 0.963
Cv (US) = Kv x 1.156

HV3 Stop Valve

No. Part Material
1 Body Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
2 Valve seat Stainless steel AISI 431
3 Valve Stainless steel AISI 431
4 Lock-nut Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
5 Bonnet Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
6 Stem ½” – 1″ Austenitic stainless steel BS 970 303 S31
1¼” – 2″ Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
7 Washer Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
8 Gland packing PTFE
9 Gland Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
10 Packing nut Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
11 Handwheel Aluminium DIN 1725 GK-A1 Si 1
12 Handwheel nut Brass DIN 17660 MS63

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